Squash Court Conversion Agreed!
The Centre is pleased to announce we have received funding to convert our spare Squash Court into a Spin Studio & Conference Room. The...

Sports Hall Refurbishment.
Funding approved for Sports Hall Refurbishment in Plas Madoc Plas Madoc is set to get a refurbished Sports Hall thanks to a £50,000 grant...

Tesco Bags of Help
BAGS OF HELP - Plas Madoc has been sucessfully placed on the July & August ballot at Tesco Cefn. If we are successful the £4,000 will go...

Say no to Diets!
Say Say no to Yo Yo Diets This is a big shout out to all the women who have ever been on a diet!!! That empty feeling of hunger and...

FREE 60+ Swimming
Thanks to the Welsh Government's Free Swim Initiative we can now offer Free Swimming to all over 60s at Plas Madoc Leisure Centre. The...

New Boilers Installed
Plas Madoc Leisure Centre has received a large grant to replace its 2 old inefficient boilers with much smaller modular boilers. The ...

Squash Court Refurbishment Completed
Following a two week renovation, Plas Madoc is pleased to reopen our refurbished Squash Court. The work saw the playing area walls...

How to stay on track!
It's the weekend!! It's time to let loose!! Are you one of those people that are great all week on their fat loss diet, then come the...

Amazing Fitness Classes
Group Exercise Classes. As a Fitness Instructor, I can shout from the roof tops why I love Fitness Classes. I have been in the Fitness...

Feels good to Exercise. We all have experienced that oh I can’t be bothered to go and exercise. Trying to come up with any excuse not to...